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Saturday, April 19, 2008

On My Mind

“The saddest places on earth are graveyards. Not because people are buried there, but because dreams, talents and purposes that never came to fruition are buried there. Graveyards are filled with books that were never written, songs that were never sung, words that were never spoken, things that were never done.”

.....this quote is on my mind as is this site by Dan Miller and this course by Oprah and Marcus Buckingham. I have decided to resign from my job on Monday and pray that I find a job in a new field that is fullfilling, renewing, and a function of what brings me joy. Pray for me and wish me luck. I am nervous, but honestly also excited by the new possibilities. I pray that what I find is a new career and not just a job and that it has rewarding potential.

1 comment:

Babydoll said...

Praying that you find your hearts desire! Thanks for stopping by my place :)