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Saturday, February 10, 2007

I have been tagged by Kim , so here goes:

Five Things I Love (not in any particular order)...

1) The smell of buttered popcorn
2) Sleeping inbetween clean sheets after a good shower
3) Feeling pretty after leaving the hair salon
4) When my husband kisses me on my neck from behind
5) Being understood

what do you love....

1 comment:

Karla Dudley said...

Girl I know EXACTLY what you are talkin' about with the whole kissing the neck from behind thing!!! My husband did that out of the blue one day and I seriously lost all sence of reality and time. I am telling you the honest truth when I say I started to drool on myself!!! ............Oh man I'm in the mood now!!! I'm bad but I'm just tellin' you like it is! Girl you know what I'm sayin!! LOL!!!!

Later honey
